Mastering Inbound Email Marketing Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide for 2024

Mastering Inbound Email Marketing Strategy

“My email subscriber’s count is dropping really fast. What am I doing wrong, Brilla?” Low email open rate, bearish engagements, and poor conversions… I receive messages like these almost every time from marketers or business owners. And when I audit their campaigns, more than 90% fail because they lack a robust email strategy or they’re […]

Top 7 Email Design Trends to Watch in 2024

Email Design Trends

Email marketing has extremely high returns on investment (ROI), about $3 for every $1. No doubt about that. But just like any marketing channel, there are a few challenges to scale before you can get good results. For email marketing, the main challenge is peaking subscribers’ interests in your emails and ensuring they click through […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Email Segmentation

A Beginner's Guide to Email Segmentation

Ever visited a state or local library before? If yes, you’ll notice the dozens of shelves housing several books arranged based on their genre, topic, and, sometimes, the author. This makes it easy to locate your book of choice or find the one that aligns with your interests. Now imagine entering another library without these […]

8 Ultimate Strategies To Build An Email List in 2024

Strategies To Build An Email List in 2024

Who says Email marketing is dead? Maybe we should let data do the talking. The list goes on and on. However, one thing is certain from these stats: email marketing remains an underexplored goldmine. And your business can still take a large share of the pie. However, the extent to which you can leverage email […]

9 Strategies To Ensure Your Emails Land In Subscriber’s Primary Tab

How to send emails into primary tab

Wait… Have you opened your mailbox today? Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud, Outlook, anyone works fine. If you did, what was the first tab you checked? Your promotions tab, social tab, or maybe the dreaded spam box? Let’s take a guess. Your Primary Tab, right? We understand. That’s the default page for every mail software. Almost all […]